An exhibition of work by emerging artists with Halifax art roots. In these works the artists privately and imaginatively pursue public, political, social and institutional realities. Bizarre video, tangible installations, photography and conceptual works occupy the gallery space (and possibly beyond). The word actual means"existing in fact or reality" or"occuring at the time," while the original french word (l'actualité) means"news." The work in Actual points to our world, while making it.
- Artist(s)
- Publication Credits
- Subject(s)
- Year
- Format
- Language
- Exhibition Title
- Suzanne Caines, Laura Calvi, Jeanne Ju, Jon Knowles, Ryan Park, Kevin Rodgers, Aaron Schmidt
- Susan Gibson Garvey (Forward), Emily Jones (Curators Statement)
- Nova Scotia, Conceptual Art, Photography, Video, Mixed Media
- 2007
- 0-7703-2753-2
- book
- English
- Actual, 17 August - 7 October 2007