Bobby Nock: My Home and Native Land
Cape Breton-based artist Bobby Nock offered an affectionary take on local culture in this exhibition of five videos grouped under the title "My Home and Native Land: The Red Bush in Waycobah Series". The colour red, the primacy of the Group of Seven in Canadian art history, indigenous Mi'kmaq and imported Scots-Gaelic traditions, and a tourist's vision of scenic Nova Scotia became intertwined and then unraveled in Nock's dead-pan video making style. Out of the quirky humour and repetitive gestures emerged serious issues concerning national identities and colonial structures, as well as the contingent and complex manner in which communities and histories develop.
- Artist(s)
- Publication Credits
- Subject(s)
- Year
- Format
- Language
- Exhibition Title
- Bobby Nock
- Susan Gibson Garvey, Bobby Nock
- Nova Scotia, Video
- 2001
- 0-7703-2734-6
- bi-fold brochure
- English
- Bobby Nock: My Home and Native Land, 11 May - 24 June 2001