The Tenth Dalhousie Drawing Exhibition
The tenth and last of the Gallery's biennial series of artist-curated exhibitions which explored the definitions of drawings and its use by contemporary artists. This year the guest curator was Nova Scotia artist and writer Susan Gibson Garvey, whose selection of nine artists presented viewers with a wide range of work from New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
- Artist(s)
- Publication Credits
- Subject(s)
- Year
- Format
- Language
- Exhibition Title
- Paul Edouard Bourque, Cliff Eyland, Glen MacKinnon, Mary Pratt, Nigel Roe, George Steeves, Susan Wood, Chris Woods, Don Wright
- Susan Gibson Garvey, Mern O'Brien (foreword)
- Drawing
- 1990
- 0-7703-0656-X
- book
- English
- The Tenth Dalhousie Drawing Exhibition, 7 April - 13 May 1990