
Roundtable on Electronic Waste

11 May, 2013, 2:00pm

Artifact Institute, documentation from Investigation 2.

Saturday 11 May 2pm - 4pm

Dalhousie Art Gallery

6101 University Avenue, Halifax, NS

The public is invited to participate in an open-ended conversation about electronic waste as a global phenomenon and as a local issue in the Halifax Regional Municipality.

The roundtable will be facilitated by the Artifact Institute, and will include participants with backgrounds in various fields, including art, technology, ecology, sustainability, and waste management. Confirmed participants include representatives from the Dalhousie University College of Sustainability, Dalhousie University Office of Sustainability, the Ecology Action Centre, Habitat Radio and CKDU-FM.

Prior to the roundtable, from noon to 2pm, Artifact Institute personnel will be available outside of the Dalhousie Arts Centre to meet with the public and discuss their project Investigation 2: Electronic equipment not accepted for curbside garbage collection by the Halifax Regional Municipality. Please see below for more information.

For more information, contact:

Dalhousie Art Gallery

by phone: 902-494-2195

by email: art.gallery@dal.ca