
Artists with Agency: Representation and the Manifestation of Place in Iceland

28 September, 2000, 8:00pm

In this illustrated talk Dr. Brydon will explore the symmetries between her own anthropological analysis of the consequences of modernity in Iceland and two artistic projects which represent and intervene in those consequences. Crossing disciplinary boundaries, Dr. Brydon will discuss the work of Iceland-born, Vancouver-based photographer Arni Haraldsson (which explores utopian ideals of progress), and an art performance held at Eyjabakkar to protest the building of a hydroelectric dam and aluminum smelter.

This lecture is held in conjunction with the exhibition Bedrock: Six Contemporary Artists from Iceland, on view at the Dalhousie Art Gallery until 1 October.

Anne Brydon teaches anthropology at Wilfred Laurier University and conducts research in Iceland and Canada. She is known for her writings about visual art, in particular the work of Eleanor Bond, William Eakin and Patrick Mahon.