Masters of Modern Sculpture
The following films from the acclaimed series Masters of Modern Sculpture (Blackwood Films) will be available on video for individual viewer access at a special viewing station set up in our Reading Room. Each film lasts approximately one hour.
Part One: The Pioneers
Presenting Rodin, Degas, Rosso, Maillol, Lehmbruck, Brancusi, Epstein, Laurens and others demonstrates how, in just over two decades, the first modern sculptors undermined centuries of sculptural conventions.
Part Two: Beyond Cubism
Four Films with a Marxist Edge
In conjunction with the University of King's College's Contemporary Studies series on Marxism, we present four films that give a glimpse of the range and international scope of Marxism this century. While the first two films bear the mark of official government policy, Umberto D and The Three Penny Opera show Marxism's influence on social attitudes and aesthetics in working Western democracies.
17 November - Enthusiasm!
Dziga Vertov, USSR (Russia), 1931, 79 minutes
Photography, Film and Cultural Representation
This film series has been prompted by issues arising from the exhibition From the Background to the Foreground: the Photo Backdrop and Cultural Expression.
20 October - Notman's World
Albert Kish/NFB 1989, 29 minutes
Fixed in Time
Shelagn MacKenzie/NFB 1980, 20 minutes
French Filmmakers at Five/ Les cinéastes francophones à 17h
Our annual collaboration with the Atlantic Film and Video Festival: Our film curator Ronald Foley MacDonald has selected nine films which demonstrate the formal and technical range of works by French cinematographers in Canada. All films will be screened at five o'clock in the Gallery. Notre collaboration avec le Festival du film et vidéo de l'Atlantique: notre cinémathécaire, Ronald Foley MacDonald, a choisi neuf films qui illustrent l'évantail formel et technique des œuvres des cinéastes francophones du Canada. Tous les films sont présentés à 17h à la galerie.
Acadia Acadia
This film series by and about Acadians has been selected to complement the exhibition "There are no limits": The Work of Herménégilde Chaisson.
15 September - Fishermen of Pubnico/ Les pêcheurs de Pubnico
Léonard Forest, NFB, 1956, 10 min, b & w, English version
A portrait of a sword-fishing village in south-west Nova Scotia, this is one of the first films made about Acadians by an Acadian.
Les Gossipeuses/The Gossips
Phil Comeau, NFB, 1978, 58 min. French with English subtitles
Philip Glass: film scores
Renowned contemporary composer Philip Glass is the composer in residence for the Scotia Festival of Music (25 May to 6 June). As part of a joint fund-raising venture between the Festival and the Gallery, Mr. Glass has kindly agreed to give a special lecture on his film scores, which will take place on Thursday, 27 May at 5:00pm in the Dunn Theatre, Dalhousie Arts Centre. Tickets for the lecture may be obtained from the Gallery at $10 each. To complement this lecture, the Gallery is screening a series of films for which Glass composed the music.
Taking the Helm: Black Filmmakers from Three Continents
From Oscar Micheaux to Melvin Van Peebles this survey highlights films by Black Directors from Africa, Europe and North America. This series will include a lecture by Black filmmaker, critic and curator Cameron Bailey.
3 February - Body and Soul
Oscar Micheaux, USA, 1925, 82 minutes
Early British Moderns
Three films to complement the exhibition Sargent to Freud: a drama, a comedy and a documentary, all featuring early British Modern painters, real and imagined.
13 January - Carrington
Christopher Hampton, Britain, 1995, 122 minutes
Playwright Christopher Hampton catches the spirit of Bloomsbury in this film biography of the painter Dora Carrington (Emma Thompson) and her companion, the eccentric and gay Edwardian writer Lytton Strachey (Jonathan Pryce).
January 20 - Ben Nicholson: Razor Edge