

Two Centuries of Charles Dickens

18 January – 25 April, 2012

The greatest novelist of the English language and one of the most imposing figures in all of world literature, Charles Dickens was born 200 years ago in 1812. Immensely popular in his own time—where he helped define the Victorian Era along with Queen Victoria herself—Dickens’ work has endured in film and television so much so that the latest round of landmark small-screen epics like The Wire and The Sopranos can—and have been—described as ‘Dickensian’ in scope, ambition and execution.

Artist Talk

Curator's Talk with Steven Loft

22 October, 2011

Werner Herzog Survey

28 September – 14 December, 2011

Along with Wim Wenders, Werner Herzog is the most recognizable of the New German filmmakers who emerged in the 1970s.  His questing, unconventional attitude has resulted in an ongoing career that alternates drama and documentary with a quizzical sense of humour and a generous sense of humanity.  In the last decade, however, Werner Herzog has reached a new plateau of cinematic expressiveness that sees his own bemused personality take centre stage.  We are pleased to present a short retrospective of his work, with a concentration on his most recent films.

Artist Talk

Artist's Talk and tour

22 September, 2011

Cult Films at Five

16 – 22 September, 2011

The annual collaboration between the Dalhousie Art Gallery and the Atlantic Film Festival will present seven classic cult films for free viewing at five o’clock for the week of the festival.  This year’s selection consists of controversial, late-night and niche films that have built their reputations outside of mainstream exhibition in unconventional public screenings.  



African American Film Biographies

1 – 22 February, 2011

Iconic leaders of the African American Civil Rights Movement are the focus of this series that presents the struggles for Afrocentric identity as seen through the eyes of African American filmmakers immersed in the Black Experience.


Last Takes: Final Films by Great Directors

19 January – 4 May, 2011

Critics such as Edward Said have written extensively about the late works of composers and other artists but relatively little light has been shed on the last films by significant film directors.

Artist Talk

Opening reception for David Divinney

23 October, 2010

Text and Context: Films on Fonts, Words, Books, and Literacy Itself

6 October – 24 November, 2010

Inspired by the exhibition Giving Notice: Words on Walls, our film curator Ron Foley Macdonald has organized this series which looks at the very act of reading, print and language. From documentary to drama, these thought-provoking films present a wide range of cinematic and narrative styles from around the world.

Screenings Wednesdays at 8pm. Free Admission

6 October- Helvetica


Backstage Pass: Music Documentaries 1967 to 2009

16 – 25 September, 2010

Screenings daily at 5PM. Free Admission

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Atlantic Film Festival and its long-time commitment to music, the Dalhousie Art Gallery's annual collaboration with the AFF will feature these classic music documentaries.

Thursday 16 September- Monterey Pop
